However, a careful look at the next card will show you that you only need to read 11 books in the Historical books to get the big picture of God’s Grand Story. There are 6 books in the historical section that don’t take the narrative forward. Leviticus is a manual for the priests. Ruth and Esther are personal stories. 1 & 2 Chronicles are editorial insights and Deuteronomy is repeating the Law to a new generation about to enter the promised land under Joshua’s leadership. The Old Testament has a subplot, and that is to prepare people for the coming of Christ. God had given His promise of a Saviour who would destroy Satan Genesis 3:15. So within the Old Testament story we are introduced to Christ. Remember what Jesus said in Luke 24:44-45. “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that was written about me in the Law of Moses (The first 5 books) the Prophets (17 books ) and the Psalms (5 poetic books). Then he opened their eyes so they could understand the Scriptures.” Like the 12 disciples, we all need the Holy Spirit to open our spiritual eyes to understand the meaning behind the story. So ask God to help you as you take this walk into God’s Grand Story.