b'Acts Chapter28 might finish Lukes record, but the work will only be finished when Jesusreturns and establishes his Kingdom on earth. You are living in Acts chapter 29 and thestory of yourlife can be part of Gods Grand Story. Jesus came to create the Kingdom ofGod. A Kingdom is comprised of three things :-1.A King and Jesus is that King.2. A realm iswhere the King reigns.Romans14:17 "For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness andpeace and joy in the Holy Spirit."3.Subjects -the subjects are the citizens that have heard the invitation to leave thekingdom that enslaved them, "the kingdom ofdarkness", andhave enteredthe KingdomofGod by acknowledging that God is.Thensurrenderingtheir will toHis authority andaskingHis forgiveness fortheirrebellion. Paul wrote about thisinColossians 1:13-14 "Forhe (God)hasrescued us from the kingdom ofdarkness and transferred us intothekingdom ofhisdear Son, who purchased ourfreedom and forgave oursins. NLT.'